Division of Workforce Development

The Division of Workforce Development (DWD) promotes and develops formal training and innovative strategies to provide career development, training and oversight support to the HHS grants management community. DWD is tasked with developing training strategy, providing training to the workforce and assessing the workforce performance. The DWD established the Grants Management Training Academy (GMTA) as the premier training source for grants related training for the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) staff and Federal funds recipients.

The Academy will develop three separate tracks for grants managers, program office staff and federal grants recipients. All training content is crafted to improve grant management and execution to further Department and recipient missions. Our recipient training programs will be offered in future Fiscal Years to support and equip current and new federal funds recipients for a successful journey throughout the duration of the grants lifecycle.

For more up to date information on what the DWD is working on, please contact the DWD at DWDinfo@hhs.gov.

Key Personnel

Key Personnel section provides leadership title and contact information. Also, see the list of HHS Grant Officials.