Difference Between Absolute and Relative Reference in Excel

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In Excel, there are two main types of references: Relative and Absolute (although there is another reference type called a mixed reference). In this article, we will discuss the difference between absolute and relative references. To demonstrate these concepts, we’ll use the following dataset, containing columns for Employee Name, Base Salary, Transport Fee, Provident Fund Rate, and Provident Fund.

What Is a Relative Reference in Excel?

In Excel, columns are represented Alphabetically, and rows Numerically. To reference the first cell, you can use A1 where A is the column and 1 is the row. In Excel, a cell reference is a Relative reference. A cell can be referenced just by specifying the row and the column value. Relative references adjust and change themselves automatically when a formula is copied to another cell or while using AutoFill.

What Is an Absolute Reference in Excel?

When we want to make both row and column constant then we use the Dollar Sign ($) in front of both row and column, it makes the reference Absolutely Absolute. For example, $C$5 means both the row and column are absolute.

To make a column reference absolute, put a Dollar Sign ($) before the column. Here $C5 is an absolute column reference as the Dollar Sign ($) is in front of the column so the column will be constant. We also can call it a mixed reference as the column is absolute, but the row is relative.

To make a row reference absolute, insert a Dollar Sign ($) before the row. Here C$5 means it is an absolute row reference as the Dollar Sign ($) is in front of the row so the row will be constant. It is also a mixed reference.

Relative and Absolute References in Excel: 3 Differences

Difference 1 – Application of Relative and Absolute References in Excel

Application of Relative Cell References in Excel:

Application of Absolute Cell References in Excel:

Difference 2 – Use of Relative and Absolute References in Excel Formulas

Use of Relative Reference in Formulas:

In Excel, if you want to use a formula in a particular cell and want to copy it into another cell then you should use a relative reference. It will change the row and column value automatically.

Relative Cell References in Excel

Difference of Relative and Absolute References

Use of Absolute Reference in Formulas:

Absolute Cell References in Excel

Difference of Relative and Absolute References

Difference 3 – Copying a Formula Using Relative and Absolute References

Copying a Formula Using Relative Reference:

Relative Cell References in Excel

Copying a Formula Using Absolute Reference:

When you use absolute reference for a cell, copying the formula doesn’t change the absolute references. The cells will supply a fixed value in the new locations, too.

What’s the Key Difference Between Absolute Reference and Relative Reference in Excel?

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How to Switch Between Relative and Absolute Reference in Excel

The F4 key on the keyboard places a Dollar Sign ($) in front of rows and columns.

By removing the Dollar Sign ($) from an absolute reference we can make it a relative reference.

Things to Remember

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